Mirjam Diepenbrock

Package Deal Animal Communication

€ 355 including VAT

Animal Communication package book e-course reading
Review Animal Soul Academy

“Thank you very much for the valuable conversation with our deceased cat Dipsy. We were deeply touched by it, and it gave us strength. Beautiful!”

Christa Balk

Review Animal Soul Academy

“The sorrow was great at the passing of our cat, but your soothing guidance was great, and therefore, we have been able to give it a beautiful place! Grateful!”


Animal Communication Package deal

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Why this package?

If you are finding it difficult to say goodbye to or grieve over your beloved furry friend, I am here to help you overcome your grief. 

Are you going through a difficult period of grief or is your beloved pet about to pass away? Are you interested in developing intuitive abilities to communicate with animals? Then this package is for you! With both the course and my book, you will gain insight into communicating with animals and learn to apply this skill in practice. To provide you with additional support during your grieving process, we will also conduct a reading together with your deceased pet (or pet that is about to pass away).

Animal Soul Academy

The ‘Animal Soul Academy’ is a creation of my many experiences with humans and animals. It is a platform for sensitive animal lovers who want to develop their own healing and/or intuitive gifts, or who want to blossom spiritually through animals.

Do you want answers to one of those questions?

€ 355 including VAT

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Do you want to receive inspiration, knowledge, and tips from my soul connection with animals? Sign up for my emails. I’ll take you into the extraordinary world of animal communication. I share beautiful stories, practical tips on telepathy with your pet or to support you in dealing with loss and grief, and you’ll receive updates about the Animal Soul Academy. In short, it’s interesting for sensitive animal lovers and professionals who work with animals daily.

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